Babies and sleep
Good deep sleep is a major booster for health and growth of babies. It promotes motor skills, memory consolidation, focus, development and emotional regulation.
Good deep sleep is a major booster for health and growth of babies. It promotes motor skills, memory consolidation, focus, development and emotional regulation.
‘Here sleeps a baby with a head full of magical dreams, a heart full of wonder, and hands that will shape the world’
Good deep sleep is a major booster for health and growth of babies. It promotes motor skills, memory consolidation, focus, development, emotional regulation and growth.
Some babies fall into the day and night routine easily while some need a little help from a sleep specialist. Sleep training should not be a punishment for parents or babies. It is the process of forming good habits that will promote baby health. It is best started after 4-6 months.
If you decide to take professional help with your baby’s sleep routine then consult your sleep specialist to discuss the best method that works with your baby’s temperament as well as your family dynamics.
In any case the following basic tips could help ensure a smoother transition to dreamland: